Monday, April 18, 2016

Project Reflection (English)

Blog Project Reflection 

Viertes Semester Deutsch

When this Blog was assigned, I didn’t feel any particular way about it. I thought, “Okay a blog, I can do that.” 

This was a project that got me into using German creatively. I remember when I would learn English in school, they would encourage us to write stories or poems, and this is very similar in my mind. This project is showing us the more practical, albeit still fun, uses for German online and in our every day. Commenting in German helped to get a dialogue going between students that I hadn’t previously seen. I also appreciated how the project was spaced out with a week of pins and then a week of blogging. It made it all very manageable and not too overwhelming.

I did anticipate that this would be a very difficult assignment given the open-endedness of the prompt. Something surrounding German culture wasn’t going to be that hard to find, given that German culture could be anything ranging from an article about a new restaurant opening in Köln to a German blog about the new Deadpool movie. I knew it was going to be interesting to explore as many outlets as possible for my pins and research. The problem was choosing what to write about week-to-week.

If I were given a blog assignment in any other class, I would have likely carried it out the same way: writing about what I like. Unfortunately, what I like has a lot of technical jargon, which lead me to wonder if I could use terms that I only knew in English on a blog that was supposed to be all in German.

My first blog post, which I accidentally wrote not about German culture, showed much simpler grammar with little steps outside of my comfort zone. I would stretch a sentence out here, or attempt to better use adjectives in another spot, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. My last blog post, which I wrote a little bit about my experience growing up with German culture (wishing to tie in the Deutsch im Ausland theme of our last chapter), shows a better grasp of the concepts I was reaching for in the beginning of the year. I made better use of adjectives, prepositions, and other grammatical tools that we learned about throughout this year.

For future students working on this project, I would probably suggest brainstorming with vocabulary or small sentences before you begin writing. As with any longer writing project, you want to make sure you are covering everything you want to cover and that you have enough content to meet your word count.

In the future, I might want to work on this blog, possibly going back and reading it over the summer and correcting it. I might even choose to share it with more people than those just in my German class. As for next year, I will refer back to the grammar we worked on and the vocabulary we learned this year to broaden my writing and improve my communication. 

I really enjoyed getting to know everyone a little bit better through your blogs, and I hope they were able to learn a little bit about me! 


Thursday, April 7, 2016

"Das bin ich..." noch einmal

Am Anfang des Jahres haben wir ein kurzes Schreibprojekt geschrieben, und es hat "Das bin ich..." geheiẞen. Ich möchte über diesem Thema noch einmal diskutieren, weil meine Identität sehr wichtig für mich ist. 

Ich bin Studentin. 

Es ist so deutlich, dass ich Studentin bin, aber es bedeutet so viel. Als ich eine "Freshman" war, studiere ich Werkstofftechnik (Materials Engineering). Es war schwer und uninteressant für mich, aber ich will es studieren, weil ich viel Geld bekommen will. Ich habe mich über Psychologie, Sociologie, und Menschen interessiert. Mein altes Hauptfach hat mich nicht gefreuen. Jetzt ist meines Hauptfach Psychology mit einer Bescheinigung an Deutsch und ich fühle mich 

Ich bin eine Cosplayerin. 

Ich mache Kostüme, deshalb ich bin eine Cosplayerin. Ich habe es seit 2010 getan. Cosplay ist bedeutender als "ein Hobby", es ist ein groẞer Teil meines Lebens! 

Ich bin "Deutscherin". 

Ich benutze "Deutscherin", weil ich nicht aus Deutschland komme. Meine Familie und ich sind sehr stoltz auf unsere Erbe. Meiner Onkel und Meine Groẞvater empfehlen mich Deutsch zu lernen. Als ich ein Kind war, habe ich ein bisschen Deutsch mit meinem Groẞvater gesprochen. Deutsch ist sehr wichtig für mich. 

Das bin ich...